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Kamden asked me if he could serve supper the other night, so I told him he could.  He then disappeared in his room for a few minutes.  He never served a single plate, but he did do this.


Angela said...

Oh my goodness!!! I have never seen that side of Kamden!!! What a hoot! Where on earth did he come up with Lalico? LOL

Carrie said...

I agree with Angela. That is NOT the little guy that sits so quietly in my Sunday school class!!!! Tell Lalico we enjoyed his performance!!

Michelle said...


uneventfulmike said...

Kamden got a kick out of your comments. LOL They love entertaining us.

Anonymous said...

What an awesome performance Kamden! Caleb, Joshua, and I laughed so hard. We loved that! Wonderfully funny Kamden please do more!

Melissa said...

HAHAHAHA I have seriously watched this a million times! He is hilarious! Did he really just come up with that on his own?!

uneventfulmike said...

Chuck - Kamden grinned from ear to ear when I read your comment to him. LOL!

Melissa - Yeah he did. I should post a follow up video. Kacie decided to get in on it, by bringing me a plate of tomatoes and said, "Dinner is served." Lalico didn't like what she served me and got in her face and shouted in his foreign accent, "YOU'RE FLLIIRED!!!" LOL!

uneventfulmike said...

I just realized I misspelled "restaurant" in that movie. I'm such a dummy.