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Pictures of Kambo

 Kamden got some new hair jelly at Walmart the other day and he loves it!!!  It actually looks just like it is advertised, which is his favorite part. LOL  I put a dab of this in his hair in the morning, and at night it still looks exactly the same.  It gives him that look he's always striving for, (in his own words) "Handsome and funny."
This is Kamden, pre haircut.  We went to Steak n Shake Friday night after church.  Aunt Lindsey gave him a quarter and he bought some runts.  It was getting pretty late and his eyes were getting tired.  He was trying to get his candy in his pockets, but  was so tired he was having a hard time.  This is my favorite picture of him.


Angela said...

I'll have to get Jack some of that goo. He loves moose!

Anonymous said...

You bloggers really stick together!

~*Angie*~ said...

I could use some of this for my boys hair, it is so thick that no matter how much *freeze it* I use, it will still look crazy at the end of the day.