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My kids at Hubbard's Lake

     I took the kids down to Hubbard's Lake the other day to take a few photos.  I was trying to get off cheap for Christy's birthday cause she came out like a fat rat on Christmas.  I didn't have much time so we just went down to the lake and took a few photos while Christy was in town.  I chose one and had it blown up at Sam's Club to a 20x30 for $8.  Had glass cut for it at L.K. Tapp for $3 and wrapped it at home with a barnwood frame.  It's not perfect but looks pretty good for $11 I think.  I had no place to hide it so I just gave it to her early and it's already hanging above our couch.  She will probably end up with something else on her birthday anyways... These are a couple of pictures from that little adventure.  I love any reason to make Kamden and Kacie hold hands.  They hate it!


Angela said...

I want to see a pic of the picture! And I'd like to see all the barnwood art I haven't gotten to see!!!

Carrie said...

Getting off cheap seemed to pay off great! That was a sweet gift for Christy!
Torturing your kids by making them hold hands....well....that wasn't so sweet!

uneventfulmike said...

I'll post some of it Angie. You guys can come over and look anytime, but a lot of it is christmas stuff, hidden away in the attic. Christy has taken pictures of most everything though. Thanks Carrie. When I do something nice I usually do have an ulterior motive. LOL